A Daily Desire

Each day brings a new adventure. An opportunity to capture a little of what I see as beauty in the world around me. Painting in different mediums gives me the chance to capture my mood and my art on canvas or paper.

Teaching, painting on location, or at my easel in the studio brings me great joy.

Monday, April 13, 2009


original oil
It is almost time for the pansies to be pulled up here and replaced with flowers that can handle the hotter temperatures. I can not hardly stand to do it. So just a few in a tiny vase makes a lovely study.


  1. Ohhh! I love the light on these little guys.
    Pansies always make me think of a Mardi Gras crowd. All the upturned faces.
    kisses, Dottie

  2. These are very pretty! I like how you've handled the light and shadow.

  3. Im not sure what the comment above says!
    Tell me again. Karen
