Thursday, February 5, 2009

Painting of Villa d'Este

Last year I took 34 on an Art Tour of Italy. Not all were painters, but we all photographed the many beautiful sites. We were able to take in the wonderful art museums, the Vatican, Florence, Venice and many other cities in Italy. The painting I finished today was from one of my photos of a sheltered corner at the Villa d'Este. This amazing villa and gardens was built by Cardinal Ippolito d'Este, the son of Lucrezia Borgia and the grandson of Pope Alexander VI. The gardens have something like 500 fountains and the surprising Fountain of the Hydraulic Organ. It is about 34KM from Rome. If you are ever in the area, don't miss this spot.
I loved the way the light hit the crumbling wall in the late afternoon in March!

1 comment:

  1. this would look good in my office. i love it.
